Company / Brand: Burger Giler Power
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Price Range: RM5-RM15
Operation: Friday-Saturday 6.30pm-10.00pm | Sunday-Thursday CLOSED
Contact: 019-226 5457
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The name says it all. What Burger Giler Power offers is just that. Really good burgers. Homemade patties sandwiched between charcoal buns and drizzled with their signature spicy garlic aioli sauce. Giler power! The ground beef patties are lean and non-greasy, well-seasoned and savory, pairing perfectly with the subtle flavors of the garlic aioli. The homemade charcoal buns, although slightly dense, gives the burgers a lovely smokey flavor. Sides include the peppery chicken broccoli salad and crispily fried mushroom. The burgers here have great homemade quality as most of the recipes were developed by the founders and their wives.