Company / Brand: Wadi Hadramawt
Website / Links:
Price Range: RM5-RM1400
Operation: Mon-Sun 11.00am-11.30pm
Contact: 03-4253 3333
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Wadi Hadramawt Restaurant, the most famous Arabic restaurants in Malaysia, rated as one of the best arabic restaurants around the world for 2015, 2016 and 2017 according to the ” “. US website ” Trip advisor . ‏

The restaurant was founded in early 2010 in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur, and since then began his career leader in providing the finest cuisine Yemeni, Arab, and won wide acclaim in the pan between Malaysia and regiments of expatriate Arabs tourists annually.

‏Featuring Wadi Hadhramaut restaurant high quality food offered to customers of all races started, which is in the hands of the most skilled chef Yemeni specialists in Arab and Yemeni cooking authentic cuisine.